The Journey of Thomas the hermit

You tube videos of my Journey since 2017

Jan 14, 2017, I made my first Video as Self proclaimed Hermit, “Thomas the hermit”. A little tired of the direction my life was taking, allowed Circumstances in my life to Collapse, And not having a place to live for the first time, I began to live as a homeless person. The first place that I stayed was the Walmart parking lot in New Braunfels Texas. After a few days, I went to a Texas State park Called, “Guadalupe State park”. While I was in the state park, Camping, people were being friendly to me. People in San Antonio usually were not that friendly. I thought these people think I am a Backwoodsman, And a light went on in my head, Maybe I could use this homeless situation to Bring attention to my music. I believe the Lord was leading me to, Start an adventure.

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