The Mission

The Humble Holy Laity was created in response to the current crisis in the church and in the World. Both the misleading rhetoric of Pope Francis and the promoting of Homosexuality in the priesthood. The promotion of the global initiative of the United Nations, With a major push for population control, especially the promoting of abortion. And the abuse of President Trump, By the mainstream media, Democratic politicians, and elite corporate globalists. It is revealing the hidden agenda to form a one-world government, religion, Economy, and Ideology. It seems to point not only to a world crisis in humanity but possibly what is Recorded in revelations nothing more than the spirit of the anti-Christ

Thomas Magner and Chris Poulos founded the group with solid support from subscribers from Thomas the hermit. Thomas the hermit is a youtube channel, About Thomas Magner going homeless, But yet starting down the path of contemplative, mystical prayer. While homeless, Thomas founded the Humble Holy Laity, and with the help of Chris, began to teach people contemplative prayer.

Although this is a Lay group, The lord seemed to pour his Sweet presence and graces on the group as if they were a group of nuns or monks. The first revelation came through his most precious sacred Heart. Then the group was lead to consecration to Mother Mary, Then the Lord asked the group to pray for the souls in purgatory, And learned that the Holy souls would pray for them. Each step seemed to be a deeper infusion into the mystical contemplative life.

The Humble Holy Laity is an association of Catholic lay contemplatives praying for the Church and the world during these apocalyptic times. Since Vatican ll many religious left the religious orders. Many nuns became social workers and abandoned prayer. Many priests left the Church to get married. So that the prayer warriors who were protecting the world from cataclysm were greatly diminished, and still in our times, there is a great need for people to pray—especially offering up their lives as contemplatives.

It is to this end That the vocation of the lay contemplative is not only needed. But Vital for the church, for the world, and the salvation of souls.